Thursday, November 7, 2019

Goodbye Georgia, Hello South Carolina

Because it was only 100 miles to our next stop, we leisurely packed up this morning.  It is a good thing we had plenty of time because Carol's back was still bothering him.  He had almost used up his bottle of Aleve so desperate measures may be urgent care facility.  He says no to that so when we get to our next stop, we will head to Walmart for more Aleve, a heating pad, and ice pack.  Hopefully, one or all of these will ease his pain.  He is fine when sits but when we stands or walks, the pain kicks in.

We left the camp at 10:30 and drove on I-95 North.
We stopped at the South Caroline Welcome Center to pick up information on Charleston and kill some time.  We headed east on I-26 until we exited for the KOA.  One thing we noticed about Georgia and South Carolina is that they keep the median and shoulder along the interstates very clean.  We have seen several work crews mowing, trimming, and picking up trash.  The drive was through land forested with pine trees and palmetto palms.  It was a nice drive.  We drove through one small rain shower but otherwise dry.  We got to the KOA at 1:15.  We have a decent spot but this KOA is old and desperately needs some TLC.  The neighbors (three men) across the street are camping in a box truck and tent.  One of the men came over because he saw our Illinois plates. He said his two friends were from Chicago and he was
from California.  He said they were “doing a show” this weekend.  I don’i know what that means?

I went to do laundry.  The laundry is an outdoor porch.  There were six machines and four of them were filled with clothes waiting for someone to take them out and put in the dryer.  I had three loads!  I used the two empty machines and started my third load when one was finished.  Finally someone came to empty the four machines and stuffed them all in two dryers.  They were Spanish speaking but they wore KOA shirts so I guess they worked here.  I was so glad to get back to the RV.  Below is a picture of our site.  Not as nice as we had the last three nights.  I started this on my laptop and then it started acting up so I was able to finish it on my IPAD.

If I can’t figure out what is wrong with my laptop, this may be the last blog for this trip.


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