Monday, November 4, 2019

Goodbye Florida, Hello Georgia

This morning we did something we had never done before...took a morning walk on the beach.  We drove to  Anastasia Sate Park where St. Augustine Beach is located a little after six and watched the sunrise over the water.  It was very peaceful and beautiful.  We looked for shells but this beach is not a shelling beach so we didn't find much.  Instead, we found a beautiful view

After our walk, we drove through MacDonalds for breakfast and took it back to the camper.  We set outside and ate breakfast along with a squirrel.

We took our time packing up because we only had 175 miles to Savannah.  On the road by 9:00.  We had really enjoyed our time in St. Augustine and have decided to plan a return trip.  We drove on I-95 North for the entire time.

Jacksonville skyline.

Bridge across St. John's River just outside of Jacksonville.

This sign is a very nice way for Florida to tell us to come again and I am sure we will.

 We hadn't been in this of Georgia.  We were surprised to find the landscape filled with lots of rivers and wetlands.  It was an interesting scene as we headed north to Savannah.  We felt like a salmon swimming upstream because the southbound lanes were filled with RVs of every kind heading south.  I guess the great winter migration of snowbirds has begun.
We made it to Savannah South KOA outside Richmond Hill at 12:30.  We are in site 26A.  It is the penthouse of sites.  If I remember correctly, it was the only site available when I made the reservations.  There is a huge fenced in patio area where we can let Sandy off the leash   She enjoyed being free of the confinement of the RV and the leash.

There are some really big rigs staying in this KOA.  Our little motorhome looks like a shrimp but we have the "penthouse of sites" so we are right up there with them.  The weather is overcast and comfortable.  I don't think we will use the air or heat while we are here.  Our plan for tomorrow is to go downtown; however, there is a 70 percent change of rain so we may hit the Mighty Eighth Air Force Museum and Fort Pulaski National Monument instead.  We will determine our final plan tomorrow morning,

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