Monday, June 24, 2019


Our plan was to be on the road by 9:00 EDT and we made it but it was a wet pack up.  Fortunately, there was let up in the rain showers when we could get out to unplug things.  We made it through Louisville and into Indiana on I-64. 
This is the bridge across the Ohio River at Louisville,

Back in Indiana.

We drove I-64 through Southern Indiana.  It was enjoyable and scenic.  Finally the rain stopped.  We stopped for gas in Haubstadt, Indiana.  There was a Denney's there so we ate an early lunch.  Neither of the boys had eaten at a Denney's so that was a new experience for them.  Illinois welcomed us back with more rain.  We later learned that some of the smaller towns around Decatur had flash floods while we were gone.  We made it back to Lakeland Road at 3:30 and immediately began to unload things.  Everything was unloaded and nearly put away by 4:30.  I still have lots of laundry but that can wait until tomorrow.  We met Kara and Jason at Steak and Shake at 5:00.  Everyone was glad to be back be back together again.
The motorhome performed it should with all the work that was done to it.  It was good to get out in it.   It was a fun but short trip.  There is still lots to see in that part of Kentucky so at some point we may  have to make a return trip  We had a lot of rain but for the most part, it occurred in the night when we were sleeping.   Our next big trip will be in the fall beginning with Turkey Run and the Covered Bridge Festival and then we go south.  That will be a new direction for us.

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