Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Noah's Ark

About 10:00 last evening, the sky opened up and it rained and rained and rained.  I wondered if we would need an Ark in the morning when we got up.  It was good sleeping listening to the rain beat against the top of the motorhome.  They have had a lot of rain in this part of Kentucky.
After you arrive at the parking lot, huge buses transport you to the Ark

Our first look at the Ark.

The area around the Ark is beautifully landscaped.

The ground floor of the Ark contained the food storage level and the different types of storage containers for the varied food needed by both Noah and family and the animals.

Above and below pictures were taken inside the Ark to show to show the way it was constructed.

These are the huge doors on the Ark.  Everything loaded on the Ark passed through them.  Although it can't be seen in this picture, there was a cross shown on the door indicating that Jesus is like the Ark in that all people must pass through Him to get into heaven and eternal life.

Another picture of the inside of the Ark.

We had an extra camera that we let Keegan use.  He took this picture and all of the ones below.  He has had so much fun snapping pictures and it kept him occupied.  This is the swimming pool at the campground.  Both afternoons, the boys enjoyed the pool.

There was also a huge chess set that Hunter and Pawpaw enjoyed.

Heading to the Ark.

Some of the birds displayed outside the Ark.

Storage containers above and below.

This chart shows that the Ark was half the size of the Titanic.

Every evening before we go to bed, we play Crazy Eights. 

We are tired tonight  but I am sure we will play a few games of cards.  There was a lot of walking today and before the day was over, all of us was looking for benches to rest on.  We late lunch at the Encounter.  It was a buffet so everyone could find something to eat.  The second floor of the Ark contained the animals and the third floor was the living quarters of Noah and his family.  There was so much information that we all have information overload.  The comment of each of us was, "It is so big!"  It is a place that we could visit again and spend more time reading the displays but today we really only got an overview.  Ken Hamm, the man who dreamed of the Ark and then spearheaded its being built was speaking at the Ark today but we were too tired to stay and hear him speak.

After all the rain last night, we were glad that the day was cooler but no rain.  Tomorrow we pack up and head for a KOA south of Louisville.  We will be in no hurry as the trip will be less than two hours.  I think the boys really enjoyed the Ark.  I know Carol and I did.

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