Thursday, June 20, 2019

Baseball Bats, Gold and General Patton

Left camp around 9:00 headed north to the Louisville Slugger Factory and Museum.  We missed our exit for GPS guided us to where we needed to be.  The tour of the factory lasted about 40 minutes and was filled with so much information that I couldn't keep track of it all.

The biggest bat we have ever seen outside the factory.

The boys.

Below is the bat Babe Ruth used in 1927 when he hit all the home runs.  He would put a notch in his bat after each home run.

Hunter is holding a Cardinal bat and Keegan is too.  I tried to get them to hold a bat from the Cubs but the would have none of it!

Keegan learned about Jackie Robinson so he wanted his picture with the statue of him.

The stadium above is made of Legos as are the baseball hats below.

Saw this unusual limo on the street and had to have a picture.

On the streets of Louisville.

The Gold Vault!!

We visited the Patton Museum on Fort Knox.  It was very nice with displays of several things owned and used by Patton.l  These are his walking sticks.

This is the car he was riding in when the accident occurred that paralyzed Patton from the neck down.  He lived 12 more days after the accident and is buried in Germany.

A life-sized statue of his famous dog William the Conqueror or Willie as he was called.

The pistols and holster that Patton was famous for wearing.

This was the first Nazi flag that was captured by General Patton and his armored division.

This prints were in the concrete entrance to the Patton Museum representing Willie and General Patton.

The boys resting after a long day.

The drive back to camp was through a rural area of Kentucky as the pictures show.

Back to camp around 4:00 and the boys and I headed for the pool.  We spent the rest of the evening watching the boys play at the play area...Keegan on the jumping pillow and Hunter playing gaga ball.

We are going to have a fire tonight because the weather is so beautiful.  No rain today so we can enjoy sietting outside.

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