Thursday, June 21, 2018

Water (Rainy) Day

It rained most of the night and continued until 1:00 p.m.  The continuous rain called for a change of plans.  We were going to spend the day at Fair Oaks Dairy Farm but decided we needed to do something inside.    So, we did something we have never done before.  We went to the movies.  First, we went to the Tippecanoe Battlefield Museum.  They had old guns and artifacts that the boys enjoyed seeing.  There was also a short interpretation of the battle between the Army and the Indians.  It was a good way to understand the battle that took place on this land 211 years ago.   Then we went into Lafayette to see the movie Incredibles 2.   While we were at the movies, it finally stopped raining. The traffic on I-65 north was bumper to bumper and all lanes were creeping.
This picture doesn't do justice for the way the lanes of traffic looked.

 This is the speed we traveled as we moved north on I-65. 

First campfire of the trip.  It has been too wet and humid to have a fire but the weather finally broke today after the rains came through.  The high was only 70 with a cool wind blowing.  We finally were able to turn off the air conditioner and open windows in the motorhome.  I think we may need a light blanket tonight.  Yeah!   Today, I reminded the boys how things have changed.  They should consider themselves lucky that we went to a movie to avoid the rain.  When their mom and Uncle John were little and camping with us, we didn't go to movies.  I told them about one trip in particular when we were at Acadia National Park in Maine it rained all day and most of the night.  We did some sightseeing but spend most of the afternoon and night in our small tent on air mattresses.  We played Uno.  There was  no cozy motorhome in which to stay dry and I-Pads and computers with which to occupy themselves.  It was just mom, dad, air mattress beds and a deck of Uno cards.  Amazingly, we all survived and for the most part had a good time.  Ah, the good old days!

Tomorrow we head back to Decatur.  I think we are going back another route to avoid all the road construction.  

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