Monday, June 18, 2018

If It Could Happen, It Did Happen!

This has been quite a day!  It started off very innocently.  Never did we suspect what trouble/mishaps this day held for us.  The first sign of trouble was when Carol was trying to test the air pressure in the motorhome tires.  The tire gauge picked this very day to stop working.  So at 7:30 we headed for Farm and Fleet for a new tire gauge.  I continued to pack miscellaneous items and get the boys up to be ready to leave at our planned 10:00 a.m.  That didn't happen!  Instead as were loading the car, the bolt on one of the ratchets decided to refuge to tighten.  Another trip to Farm and Fleet for a bolt  It was nearly 10:00 by now.  Add to these problems, the weather forecast for the day was hot and humid and we were feeling it. Anyway, we finally left our driveway at noon.  We had reservations so we knew the late start would be okay. 

We avoided Interstate 74 because of road construction.  Instead we took US 36 across to Indiana and then got back on the interstate.  I had figured the trip would take 3 hours and it took four hours instead.  Finally there by five their time, we pulled into Site 110.  It is very nice.   This part of the campground was an old tree farm and the sites are very shaded, flat, and spacious.  All the troubles of the morning had been forgotten.   When we hooked up to water (site is full hookup), we forgot that when it was winterized, all  the water valves were opened and when the water was turned on, it came pouring out of every open valve.  Yikes!  After getting valves closed and water wiped up, we were again very hot and tired.  We decided to go back into Lafayette for supper.  Oh, yes, I forgot one more thing.  We forgot to pack any shoes for Carol except for the Crocs he was wearing.  So into Lafayette for supper and a visit to Walmart for a pair of cheap shoes.   $20 later and different shoes on his feet we looked for someplace to eat.   Another problem arose and it was with Keegan.

Keegan suffers terribly with canker sores and today his mouth was so painful that he hadn't eaten all day and though hungry couldn't eat anything but something soft.  We looked for a Steak and Shake so he could have a milkshake.  The road to the first one we googled was on the other side of road construction so we couldn't reach it.  We finally found another one and it was a dilly.  We didn't know the problems that this particular place had been having until we sat down.  There was only one waitress and she told us that she had been on duty since 5 a.m. and that yesterday, the rest of the waitstaff had either been fired or quit.  It was a mess.  We were hungry (it was 8:00 by then) and Keegan needed food so we ordered and waited.  Actually the food came rather quickly but no milkshakes.  We all ate while Keegan sat very patiently and quietly waiting for his milkshake.  It never came, so we got up to pay.  After a long wait for the cashier, we paid and when we were getting ready to leave, the milkshakes arrived.  Keegan finally got his milkshake
Site #110.

.  He felt much better.  In fact, after showers we all felt much better.  Hopefully, this day of troubles/mishaps is now behind us.  We have big plans for the next three days.  The weather is supposed to cool down some.  This park has a waterpark so even if it is hot, we won't mind.  Ending with a couple of pictures. 
A serene sunset to calm the troubles of the day.

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