Friday, June 22, 2018


Glad to wake up to overcast but no rain.  This was going-home day so no organized breakfast only pack up mode.  We had loaded the car, put away lawn chairs and the mat yesterday so a lot was already done.  We took our time and left the campsite at 10:00 (EDT). The boys were anxious to get back home.  I know they had a good time but with the trip to Arizona and immediately followed by this trip, they have been away from home for two weeks.

We decided to go back to Decatur a different way in hopes of avoiding some of the road construction from the trip here.  We took I-65 north to US 24 to I-57 to I-72.  We discovered that it was actually less miles and time to go that route and the best part was no road construction.  We had some sporadic rain but nothing like we had for the last few days.  The temperature was in the low 70's although there was still a lot of humidity. 

Not the usual fancy "Welcome to Illinois" sign but a reminder that we were back in Illinois.  This sign was in Sheldon, Illinois on US Route 24.

The sky looked ominous as we headed on I-72 west near Decatur.  We did make it home and mostly unpacked before the rain hit.  Our garden looked well watered so we assumed that Decatur had gotten as much rain as we did in Indiana.  Carol will definitely have to mow the yard.
It was official.  We are back home.
It was a 372 miles round trip.  Prophetstown State Park was a very nice park.  We enjoyed the time there but both Hunter and Carol like Turkey Run State Park better.  Despite the rain, heat and humidity, we had a good time.  We are home for three weeks before we head out again for Colorado  for a week.  John and Family will be moving to Florida so this will be the last time we go to Colorado to see them. 

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