Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Water Day

This morning the kids slept in again.  Carol and I were up and took Sandy for a walk before the boys even thought about getting up.  The day was overcast but still very humid.  We went to the water park at 11:00 a.m. when it opened.  It was a good day to go to the water park because most people stayed home because of the overcast day.  Hunter was able to ride the two water slides endlessly.  He even convinced me to ride too.  I refused to ride the body slide but I did go on the tube slide several  times.  After an hour, Keegan was cold so papaw took him back to the camper and Hunter and I stayed for another two hours.  He took the water slides most of that two hours.  I did the tube slide and lazy river and rested.  It was really a lot of fun and I know that Hunter had a blast. 

We got back to camp and ate a late lunch before heading out again.  We decided we were too tired to walk the 2.8 mile to the site of the Indian village so we went to the site of the battle between Tecumsah and his Indian warriors and William Henry Harrison and 1200 soldiers.  The battle lasted two hours with the American soldiers winning.    This battle basically broke the back of the Indian resistance to the westward expansion the white migration.  The war between the Indians and Americans in the lands east of the Mississippi was over and the Indians had lost.  Not too many years later, the Pottawatomie tribe was forced to relocate to Kansas and were marched from Indiana to Kansas passing through Monticello, Decatur,  and Springfield.
The site of the battle was near the Tippecanoe River.  When William Henry Harrison was running for president his slogan was "Tippecanoe and Tyler too" which was a reference to the battle in which he led the American Army.
These three are always willing to pose for a picture.

The monument erected on the battlefield is a memorial to those who fought and were killed here.  It was too tall for me to get it all but you can see William Henry Harrison.  There was also a museum but unfortunately, it was closed on Wednesdays.  If we have time, we may stop by tomorrow.

After we left the battlefield memorial, we went back to the park another way.  That road led to a one-lane bridge across the Wabash River. 

After we returned to camp, we stayed in the park and rested.  The boys and I went to the playground for a while.  Even though the temperature isn't as high as it has been the last few days, the humidity is high so it didn't take too much effort to make yourself sticky and exhausted.  The good thing was that we didn't have any rain.  I hope tomorrow will be a little cooler.  

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