Friday, October 9, 2015

Decatur Trip

Today we are in Decatur to pick up the boys and a few items we forgot (I hate getting older!).  These items weren't critical but since we were here, we decided to stop by home and get them.  Hunter gets out of school at 11:30 and Keegan gets out at 12:30 so we will get them, eat a quick lunch and then return to camp.  Jason called this morning to say the boys were very excited.  It is cooler today but that is okay.  This will be the last post until next internet in this area of Indiana.

On the way back from Indy we drove through Danville, IN.  This car caught my attention.  It is a car that looks like the one the Sherriff Taylor and Barney Fife drove in Mayberry.  It is sitting in front of the Mayberry Cafe.  I'll bet they serve good home cooked food.

Yesterday we stayed at the camp.  Sandy enjoyed laying in the shade under our picnic table.  So far the weather had been PURFECT.

I love this old iron bridge over the Wabash River.  The little Indiana town of Montezuma sits on its banks.

That is all for today.  We are on the interstate heading east and will probably lose Internet service soon

One more thing...GO CUBS!

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