Saturday, October 24, 2015

This and That

This year the Cubs played the Mets for a chance to play in the World Series.  Go Cubbies!
Unfortunately, they lost so it will be the Mets playing the Royals for the championship.
When the Cardinals played the Cubs prior to the Mets/Cubs series, some of the campers had big, screen tvs on the outside of their campers and other campers would bring lawn chairs and gather around to watch the games.

We did discover that "Three Fingered Brown" was born in Nyesville, Indiana just up the road from Turkeu Run.  This monument was erected to honor him.  He is the only man from Indiana in the Baseball Hall of Fame.  His stats were listed on the monument.  When he played for the Cubs, his contract was for $7000 a year.  How times have changed!
If this old house could talk, it would have a story to tell.

The people who live in this house love to decorate for Halloween.  This was only a small part of their decorations.

The last weekend we were at Turkey Run, the lows were 33 and 34.  This is frost on our car.

This is Gobbler's Knob.  It is the best spot to get ice cream.  During the Festival parking is hard to find.  The road to Turkey Run is just north of  Gobbler's Knob so we like to stop here going or coming from the park.

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