Sunday, July 28, 2013

Red Hills State Park, Illinois

We are on a mini vacation this week at Red Hills.  Our main purpose for being here is to help John and Linda in VBS at their church in Flat Rock; but, the secondary reason is to get in some camping.  We have camped at this park two other times and are in site #86.  It is a semi-private spot under the tall trees with a view of the fishing lake.  It looks like the lakeside loop will be full of older couples with the same idea as us.

We packed up leisurely and left at 8:30, arriving at 11:30.  We are set up very nicely.  John, Linda, and the kids got here for a short visit.  Hunter and I will go to VBS tonight and Carol and Sandy will stay at the parsonage.  That will be the plan for every evening.  We hope to do things during the daytime.   The weather is perfect today.  High for today will be 75.  We have had some hot and humid temperatures the last few weeks so this week will be a nice respite.
The little white spot in the center of the windshield is Sandy.  Once it became evident that we would be going somewhere, Sandy wanted in the truck just to make sure she wasn't left behind.  The truck hadn't even left the garage!

This is site 86 at the park.

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