Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Gone Fishin'

We woke up to mist but no heavy rain.  Hunter and Carol were finally able to go fishing.  No one was fishing off the dock near our site so that's where they went.  Hunter caught a crappie, I got a picture of "the big catch" and the fish was released back into the water.  Hunter was so proud because papaw didn't catch one.

After fishing we drove to Flat Rock to spend time with John, Linda, Katie, and Aidan.  The plan had been to play outside with water toys but it was rainy and not a nice day to be outside so the kids had fun playing inside.  After lunch and some more visiting, we headed back to camp.  Once there, I walked Sandy and the guys went fishing again.  This time they didn't catch anything to release.  After the rainy last few hours, it is very humid so we turned on the air conditioner for the first time.  It will help us sleep tonight.  We have had good camping weather for the last week of July.  It is almost time to go to VBS so I'll close with a picture of the fisherman and his "big catch".

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