Tuesday, July 30, 2013

History Lessons

We met John and Linda at Lawrenceville and then followed them to Vincennes and the  George Rogers Clark National Monument.  In 1779 this part of the country was under British control.  Clark, with a small army of 200 defeated the British at a British garrison called Fort Sackville.  Because of this victory, the British gave up their claim to the territory east of the Mississippi River.  This battle helped win the American Revolutionary War and made possible the westward expansion of the United States.

 Hunter enjoying the military museum.
After we toured the grounds and saw the exhibits, we ate lunch at an Amish buffet.  The food was very good.  Carol, Hunter and I then went to a military museum.  It was very nice and I know that Hunter liked it.  We didn't get to look at the exhibits outside because it began to rain and has continued to now (3:00).  We are inside the camper watching a DVD and relaxing until time for VBS.  We probably won't get a chance for a fire tonight.  Hopefully, it will not be raining tomorrow.   I'm posting pictures from the day.
A memorial built on the grounds of Fort Sackville in honor of George Rogers Clark.

John, Linda, Aidan and Katie
Hunter and grandpa on the steps of the memorial.

A beautiful family
John, Linda, Katie, and Aidan

Abraham Lincoln Memorial bridge which crosses the Wabash River between Indiana and Illinois

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