Monday, July 29, 2013

Monday, Monday

After we got home from VBS, we lit a fire, made s'mores, and told ghost stories and other camping stories.  It was a beautiful evening to be outside.  Hunter wrapped up in a blanket.    We woke up to another great day to be camping.    We went into Lawrenceville for breakfast at McDonalds and then some shopping at Walmart.  After we got back to camp, Hunter and Carol went fishing.  Nothing was biting.  John, Linda and the kids came out to eat lunch with us.  We had a wiener roast with more s'mores.  Hunter showed John and the kids his trail that he discovered that leads from the site to the lake.  It was good to have this time with them.

We went to VBS.  Our preschool class had nine three, four and five year olds.  As I have heard others say...getting this age child to walk in a line is like "herding cats."   We got back to camp around nine o'clock.  While the guys took a shower, Sandy and I enjoyed the night symphony of insects.  The bull frogs added their bass "belly deep" to the chorus.  It was a very relaxing way to end the day.
One of us got to take a nice nap after lunch
First Missionary Baptist Church, Flat Rock, Illinois

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