Saturday, September 22, 2012

Day 7 - Riding the Red Bus

We got up at 7:00 a.m. To a cool morning.  It got down to 41 degrees last night calling for the electric blanket to be turned on.  It was overcast and the mountains looked very hazy as you will be able to tell from the pictures.  There has been a big fire that is still smoldering and it is putting off enough smoke to cloud the mountains.  I actually fixed breakfast this morning which was a first on this trip.

We were told to wear layers because it would be cold early on the trip but that it would warm up later.  It didn't warm up until we got back to the campground.  The Red Bus picked up at the KOA at 9:00 a.m.   It was a nice trip of about 5 and a half hours.  We didn't realize it but the Going to the Sun road on the west side is closed for major rebuilding and resurfacing.  That road is the only road which transverses the park over the mountains to the east side of the park.  Now if we want to go the the top of the road at the Continental Divide, we will have to drive 100 miles around the south end of the park and drive up from the east side of the park.  We decided that we will do that tomorrow.  From the tour we saw what we could on the west side so to totally see Glacier, we will drive to the east side and go up to the top.

We did see a couple of lodges, Lake MacDonald, and some small waterfalls.  We were only able to see one glacier from a distance.  There are 27 glaciers in the park.  We should be able to see some of the others from the eastern side.  Our guide, Benny, told us that to be considered a glacier, the snowpack has to be moving and 100 feet deep.  People who study glaciers say that they are melting and in only 8 more years, some of them will not be considered glaciers.  He said there is a controversy among scientists as to whether it is caused by global warming and temperatures being warmer or just a temperature change cycle that occurs regularly.  I guess we will have to wait and see.  This park will still be beautiful without the glaciers.

I was glad that I had put supper in the crockpot so that when we got back from the tour at 3:00 we were able to eat and relax, and that is just what we are doing.  We aren't sure if we will go to Yellowstone on Tuesday or spend one more day here.  We will make that decision tomorrow evening.  We are loving this campground and our spot so we may just stay one more day!
A cold, cold river carrying melted snow from the many glaciers in the park

Our first view of the mountains and lakes that make up Glacier National Park, Montana.
One of the many glacier-fed waterfalls.

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