Monday, September 17, 2012

Day 2 - A Visit with Friends

We woke up to a cool, windy morning.  The wind was rocking the camper which we didn't mind and it was still dark so we stayed in bed until daylight.  I guess this is what being retired is like.  We relaxed at the campsite until 11:00 and then we went into Grand Island to meet our friends Mark and Brenda Wolf for lunch.  Mark and Brenda used to live in Mt Zion but moved to Columbus, Nebraska which is a couple of hours of here.  It was really good to visit with them and to catch up with what is going on in their lives.  We ate at Valentinos, an Italian buffet!  The food was good,  I wish we had one in Decatur.  We got back to camp, took a nap (I love being retired!) and just relaxed.  Tonight I'm posting a picture of Mark and Brenda and our camp site.  Thanks, Mark and Brenda, for the great visit.

Our friends - Mark and Brenda Wolf

Our camp site.

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