Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Moving In Day

Today is Keegan's 14th birthday and he celebrated with family by moving his big brother into his dorm room and running here and there.

Keegan ate breakfast with Papaw and Memaw.

Later in the morning, Hunter ate breakfast with Papaw and Memaw
First look at his new dorm room.  His roommate is from Minnesota and we didn't meet him until later in the afternoon.

This is the dorm his room is in.  His room is on the second floor.
  After moving Hunter in, we made a Target run to pick up some items he needed to finish his move in.  We also spend time driving around looking for parking spots on the campus as Hunter had some additional things to do as relates to getting enrolled.  The estimated enrollment at the university is 30,000 and it seems that each student has a car and looking for a parking space!
The middle of September, we are bringing the motorhome to Iowa and camping and traveling around Iowa.  This will replace our normal 4-6 week fall trip.  One of the parks we are staying is Ledges State Park which is located about 15 miles from the university.  We decided to drive to it and check out the camping spot we will be in.  When we pulled into the campground, this Cybertruck was setting near the entrance.  We would not have know what it was except Keegan was with us and he knew immediately what it was.  He was excited to see it.

Kara, Jason and Hunter are still at his dorm room putting together furniture to finish his move in.  We and Keegan came back to the motel to rest and relax  It has been a good day.  I am glad we got to see the campus where Hunter will be spending the next 3-4 years preparing for his career in aerospace.  I think Hunter is staying at the motel with us tonight so we can play a few more games of cards before his life will turn more serious.  Tomorrow we will all pack up and drive back to central Illinois.

The Ozee Family.  Life as they have known it is about to change but they all will adjust.

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