Sunday, June 4, 2023

Two Days in One

I didn't post yesterday...problems with I-cloud downloading my pictures from my phone.  I only used my phone for pictures because it was easier to carry than the camera.  Unfortunately, when I tried to transfer the many picture I took...unsuccessful. So I will describe our day in words only.  

First Stop was the Neil Armstrong Air and Space Museum.  It was small but very nice.  Hunter loved it and spent a lot of time reading and looking at the exhibits.  We saw moon rocks, his back-up space suit, a movie about the landing on the moon, etc.  One of the most exciting things to happen was losing my phone (or so I thought).  We were about the leave the gift shop when I realized my phone was missing.  I thought Keegan had it last so we did some backtracking.  I finally found my back pocket!  So Keegan...I apologize for thinking you had lost it when it was only Memaw losing her mind.

We ate lunch at the Happy Daz Diner.  The food was very good and the atmosphere was the 50's happy days era.  We then drove by Neil Armstrong's boyhood home in Wapakoneta, Ohio.  It is not open to the public.  We drove south to Dayton to see the Wright Cycle Shop.  The Wright Brothers ran this shop for their income but their dreams were to build a "flying machine."  In winter months when bicycle business was slow, they would go to Kitty Hawk and work on the flying machine.  After successful flights there, they began to test their machines near Dayton at Huffman Prairie near Wright-Patterson AFB.  We visited both the bicycle shop and Huffman Prairie before heading back to camp.  

Then began my frustration with the I-cloud and downloading pictures.  I finally shut down my computer and went to bed hoping a faster internet would solve the problem but it didn't.  Today I took a few pictures with my camera and plan to use only the camera for the rest of the trip.  IF, I ever get it figured out, I will add pictures.

TODAY, we had breakfast at camp and leisurely packed up.  It was only four hours to the next KOA and we couldn't check in until 2:00 so no hurry.

This drive-in movie theater was on the road to the Dayton KOA.  We told the boys that we used to go to the drive-in nearly every weekend when we were dating.  They have never been to a drive-in.

I didn't remember that eastern Ohio is hilly and tree-covered.  It was a nice drive from Dayton.  We drove I-70 to I-77 North to our current KOA near Canton, Ohio.  We give this KOA mixed reviews.  On the positive side...way off the interstate on rural hilly and winding road (quiet sleeping tonight!), nice swimming pool, and showers.  On the negative side: again, way off the interstate on rural hilly and winding roads and dusty.  Our site is nice but far from the showers so we all piled into the car to drive to the showers and will have to do the same thing for the pool.

We found the KOA and checked in at 2:00 p.m.  Since we hadn't eaten since breakfast, we ate an early lunch and then took showers.  I spent at least an hour trying to download pictures from yesterday and finally gave up so I could get something on my blog.

Tomorrow we will be driving these scenic roads to Amish country. 
It is hard to believe our trip is half over.  We still have three days of sightseeing and the temperatures are supposed to be cooler so it should be nice.

Replica of spacesuit Neil Armstrong used on the moon.

Moon rocks.

Can Hunter be an astronaut?

The Happy Daz restaurant at which we ate lunch.

The home in which Neil Armstrong grew up.

Can Keegan be an astronaut?

Interior of Happy Daz Restaurant.

This picture shows the locations of each of the Apollo landings on the moon.

Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historical Park

Lot where Orville and Wilbur Wright's house sat.  Although their house is no longer standing, the house at the end of the lot is exactly like their house.  Bigger picture is below.

This is the field the Wright Brothers would test fly their airplanes during the months they were staying in Dayton.  During the winter months they would test fly their airplanes at Kitty Hawk, N.C,

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