Friday, June 2, 2023

National Museum of the United States Air Force

 Hello this is Keegan and I am taking over for Memaw tonight. We didn't leave the camp ground until 9:30 because Hunter and I were sleepy heads this morning. Oh no, MEMAW IS MAKING ME GET OF THE COMPUTER, bye, bye.  

First stop...National Museum of the US Air Force.  We spent nearly four hours looking at airplanes, missiles, spacecraft, exhibits, etc.  It was very interested but our feet were so tired!


The museum displayed airplanes, etc. from WWII in one building   It was very popular to name and paint pictures on the front/side of the plane and indicate their bombing sorties.  I took pictures of several.

This plane was painted black so it could fly night missions.

This plane dropped a lot of bombs that hit its target.

This is Fat Man Nuclear Bomb like the one dropped on  Nagasaki.

This is Air Force One that President Kennedy used.  His body was returned to Washington, D.C. on it
and Johnson was sworn in on it.  We also saw President Franklin Roosevelt's and Harry Truman's Air Force One

These are ICBM's.  One of them was repurposed to be rocket for the Gemini Space
This plane was the first one to land in Hanoi to pick up POW's and return them home after the Vietnam War.  It carried the first 40 soldiers to return.

This barn is painted with the Ohio logo.

After the Funko store we stopped at a Sonic for milkshakes.  We sat in the car waiting for someone to take our order.  Then we will told that we needed to drive through the drive-up to place our order.  There were several cars waiting there so we left.  Evidently, they were short staffed.  We finally found a Wendy's for a Frosty.  We returned to camp around 4, ate supper and relaxed the rest of the evening.  Despite the fact that the temperature was 95, we built a fire so we could have s'mores.  It was a long but good day.

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