Monday, October 24, 2022

Friday, Saturday, Sunday

 It has been a busy three days.  We took a quick trip to Decatur to be at Warrensburg/Lathan High School Senor Recognition.  Spent Friday evening and night in Decatur and drove back to Turkey Run with the boys for Saturday and Sunday.

More pretty trees as we drove west to Decatur.

Nice sunset.  In the trees of Turkey Run we have not seen either sunsets or sunrises.

Friday Night Football at Warrensburg/Lathan Senior Recognition.  Only took video so no still pictures of the recognition. There were 12 band members and their parents.  Parents were introduced and the future plans of each senior was announced. 

On Saturday, we went to the Covered Bridge Festival.  As we were driving through the country, we saw this Amish boy working the field.  He was probably no older than Keegan...maybe even younger.

That evening, we had to have a campfire so we could have s'mores.

Sunday morning we went to the (as Keegan calls it) the forest and park.

Hunter, the senior, and Memaw.

Keegan (12) and Hunter (17)
I reminded the boys of Psalm 133:1 - "How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity."

Keegan and Memaw

Playing at the park.

A selfie!

A wrestling duo!

Keegan loves to climb into the valleys that run through the park.  Hunter did the same thing at Keegan's age.

Can you find Keegan in the trees?

While the boy and I were at the park, Carol got a quick nap in.

Sunday we drove to Danville, Indiana to have lunch at the Mayberry Café.  The food is delicious and we love the Mayberry/Andy Griffith theme of the café.

A picture of the hat Hunter brought at the Festival.  We are trying hard to influence him to become a conservative and I think we may have accomplished that.  One more year and he can vote!  About six o'clock Kara and Jason came for supper and take the boys back home.  It was a wonderful weekend but busy.  

Monday we saw some poisoners walking the campground picking up trash.  In all the years we have been camping here we have never seen this.
This is our last day and night here.  After I finish this entry, we will take another backroad drive to see some of the covered bridges and have supper out.  It is not sunny, but it is not raining so it will be a nice day for a drive.

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Two Festival-Free Days

Wednesday and Thursday we decided to not go to the Festival.  On Wednesday, we drove to Crawsfordville to their Walmart to resupply some groceries.  We took all rural backroads.  Some of the roads we had never been on.  

This is our view from our campsite.  

It was a nice but cold day.  At least the sun was shining.  We do like the Walmart at Crawfordsville better than ours.  It seems bigger and has a better selection.  They still have a watch/jewelry department with a human working behind the counter.  When we got back to camp, we did our usual thing...nap, read, etc.  After supper, we walked around the campground and ended the day watching a couple of John Candy movies.  I turned the furnace on early evening and the heat felt good.  

Thursday, we decided to drive to Brazil, Indiana to check out their garage sales.  Again, we took all backroads there and back.  It was not quite as cold and windy as the past two days so it was nice garage sale shopping.  

We visited Shades State Park to check out there campground.  The sites are set up for tents.  There is no electricity hookups.  It is a pretty setting and has some interesting trails.  There is a ranger talk Saturday evening we may take the boys to on the history of the name of the park.  The park was originally named "Shades of Death" but changed to Shades because of the name was considered unsavory!

Wildlife we saw on the backroads.

I found this cookie cutter at one garage sale and brought it for 25 cents.  It was the only money we spent all day!

We got back to camp about 3:30 which is later than we have on past days.  We enjoyed the day.  We ate supper, took our walk, and then actually sat outside for a while.  The wind was not blowing and it was cool but pleasant.    When we finally came inside, we discovered that our Bose speaker was not working.  It would not charge.  It was very disappointing because we use the speaker to play our XM music from the IPad and Carol uses it when he is driving the motorhome.  The speaker has the volume so that he can hear the music over the sound of the motor.  I spent about two hours on the computer and  Bose website trying to figure out a solution.  Finally, discovered that it needed a software update...who would have thought that...certainly not two tech-deficient senior adults!!  Anyway, I was able to connect the speaker to my computer and through the Bose website able to update the software and the speaker is being charged right now.  Technology is amazing!!

The weather is supposed to improve tomorrow and over the weekend.  We plan to go to Rockville tomorrow.  There is an new antique mall that we want to check out.  We might now have to bundle up so much tomorrow.  Yeah!

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Cold Days at the Festival

Sunday evening we had to turn on the furnace.  The weatherman predicted the next three days would be cold and windy and he sure got that right.  Highs both Monday and Tuesday were in the 40's with a cold wind blowing.  Most people were wrapped in winter coats, hats, and gloves and still complained about the cold.

I think this picture shows the kind of day it was...cold!

We spent our usual 3 hours at Bridgeston.  Even though it was cold, there were plenty of people.  I finally found somewhere to purchase a loaf of  homemade bread.  The Bridgeston Mill has a store that sells baked goods made from flour milled at this mill.  We took it back to camp and enjoyed fresh baked bread and apple good!  One of the new things we saw at both Mansfield and Bridgeston was "bacon jelly."   I also saw Mountain Dew Jelly.  Also, the hot item for sale was flannel shirts.  They must be the newest fashion station for this year.

We drove some more rural roads before we went back to camp. 

This is the Marshall Arch which spans 51 feet across the Main street of Marshall.  It was built in 1921 so it is over 100 years old.

Marshall Arch in the distance.

Today we drove back to Manfield to finish the top part of Mansfield.  It was very sad to see all the empty spaces where a few years ago, they would be filled with all kinds of vendors.  It only took us an hour to walk the whole top part of Mansfield. There were even less food vendors.  If things don't pick up for Mansfield, it may dwindle down to nothing in a few years.

Empty streets of Mansfield.  The last time we were here the you barely move because of all the people.

After leaving Mansfield, we stopped at a couple of flea markets.  One was at Bellmore and the other was called "Steamtown."  Both were duds.  We got back to camp around 2, had lunch/supper and settled in for the afternoon.  Tomorrow we are taking the day off from the Festival.  I need to pick up some groceries so we will drive to the Walmart at Crawsfordville.  I just heard on the radio that there is a freeze warning for this part of Indiana.  It will be another cold night.

We saw this bicycle "tree" outside of the Steamstown Flea Market.  I liked it.