Monday, September 28, 2020

Hot and Humid - Welcome to Florida

Another good night's rest.  Cool morning but not cool enough to need a sweatshirt.  Sandy and I took a quick walk around the pond while Carol unhooked and packed up.  We each have our things to do toward pulling out of the campground.  I do all the inside preparation  and Carol does the outside stuff.  It works for us.  Good thing we enjoyed the cool night because as we traveled south to Florida, we could feel it getting hotter and more humid.

                                 I love the red dirt of Southern Alabama, Georgia, and Mississippi.  
Can't pass through Dothan, Alabama without taking a picture of the National Peanut Festival grounds.  I feel pretty certain that this year the festival wasn't held.  Another cancellation caused by the Corona Virus.  We heard today that Florida is now in Phase 3 which means no restrictions, masks, theme parks can open to full capacity, etc.  We won't know how to act in that kind of environment!

This picture was taken on I-10 heading east.  These clouds are very pretty but in just a short time after it was taken, the clouds turned dark and we drove off and on in rain.

We stopped for gas at a Flyin J west of Tallahassee.  We brought chef salads at the store there and then stopped at a rest area for lunch.  As we were eating, we saw cars getting washed off with this spray of water.  We had never seen any thing like this before.  I guess it is automatic because when the car pulled up, the water came on.

This is site #26 at Holder Mine State Forest Campground.  It is a very beautiful spot.  It was quite an adventure to get to this site.  Google maps was a great navigation guide but it didn't tell us that the road to the campground was rock and dirt and rut-filled because of the rains that had been falling off and on all day.  Carol showed his skill as a driver as he drove the two-mile road to the campground.  We found the site I had reserved and we discovered it was too short to accommodate our motorhome.  The campground didn't seem very full but we decided we needed to contact someone in charge to see what sites were available.  I made contact with Melissa and was told that because of "social distancing" only every other site was available and the one that was long enough was unavailable.  She put me on hold and when she returned gave us permission to pull into that site and said if anyone asked us, we should say that "Melissa with the approval of Eddie gave us permission."  About that time the campground host stopped by and told us that we couldn't camp in that spot because it wasn't the spot normally used when the reserved spot isn't going to work.  He took Carol to site #26 and it turns out that it is the best spot in the whole campground.  So he called Melissa and they hashed things out so we could be in site #26.  We asked him if the road into the campground is always that bad and he said no but that financial resources were prioritized and this campground was low on the priority list.  It is a beautiful campground and it meets our criteria for a great campground...spots well spaced and plenty of trees for shade.  

This is a picture taken of the eastern sky from our site. 

We were treated to a beautiful sunset.  Despite it's being hot and humid, we sat outside and enjoyed our surroundings and the sunset.  After hot showers to wash off the humidity of the day, we are relaxing.  We are running our air conditioner so I don't think we will hear any night sounds.

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