Wednesday, September 30, 2020


 We must have been tired because we slept until 8:00 a.m.  That was a first for us but it began a day of downtime and relaxation.  I fixed breakfast which was a good way to start the day.  We had a "to do" list from which to work.  I did laundry and Carol worked on the list.  

Seeing blue heron in our campsite was a first for us.  They wandered around the campground and at one point were right across the street.

After laundry and other things, we drove to Walmart for a few things and then to a place John and Linda had told us about...Davidson of Dundee Citrus Candy and Jelly Factory.  It is a famous tourist shop that hand makes and sells candy and jelly made from citrus products.  We took a short tour and met Mr. Davidson, the son of the original owner.  Of course, we ate a few samples of their product.  We couldn't leave with buying a sample of citrus candy.  One of the candies we brought is orange peels dipped in milk chocolate...yummy!!

We got back to camp at 1:00 p.m. and because it was so nice, we sat outside.  A motorhome had pulled into the site next to us.  It is probably at least 40 feet long and one of the slides had a slide!  It had three air conditioner units on top.   

This is a picture of our motorhome and site.  To save on our backs, Carol got the ramp out for Sandy.  It was very pleasant to be relaxing outside this afternoon.   Sandy enjoyed the nice weather, too.  She slept under the motorhome while we were outside.  

 At 3:30 we drove into Winter Haven to the place where John works.  He gave us the "grand tour."  The Salvation Army has a great ministry here.  They  provide assistant like money, utility assistance, and food to those who need help.  They also have a women's homeless shelter attached to this building.  Everyone we spoke to were very nice and had very nice things to say about John.  They told us we should be very proud of him and we are. 

We spent the rest of the afternoon with John, Linda, Katie, Aidan and their new dog, Pixie.  Linda served a delicious supper of ham and beams and cornbread.  We enjoyed talking and being with the kids.  Before we left this beautiful sunset filled the sky.  

John said that sunsets like this are not unusual and that the sunrises are just as beautiful.  We headed back to camp.  Sandy was waiting for her supper.  

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