Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Friends and Family

This morning was different than we have had so far in that we didn't pack up and drive on down the road.  Instead, I was able to watch the sun come up and brighten up the clouds.  Then we drove into Inverness to spend the morning with our friends, Jim and Karen Peyton.

Jim and Karen are long-time friends from Mt. Zion.  We always enjoy visiting with them.  We catch up with what is going on with their kids and grandkids and how they are living life in retirement.

We left their home at noon and returned to camp to pack up.  We  had just started to pack and then it began to rain.  That was to be a forecast for the rest of the day.     We left the camp traveling back up that same bumpy road with ruts and potholes beg enough to swallow our motorhome and car.

We got back on the interstate and Florida Tollway to US Route 27 which is familiar territory for us by now.  Then the skies opened up and it poured and poured.  At times we could barely see the road or car in front of us.  It slowed our travel.  We needed gas and found a Pilot with RV pumps but had difficulty getting into it because it was on the other side of a divided highway.   After several turns and tries we finally got gas.  Then the skies opened up again and we drove into Cypress RV Park in the rain.  When we got to our site, we sat in the RV and waited for the rain to stop.  It didn't stop but it lessened enough that we could unhook and set up.  We wanted to see Katie and Aidan tonight so we drove into Winter Haven for a short visit.  John said that his rain gauge showed nearly 6 inches of rain in the last couple of days.  I hope that it stops so we can enjoy the rest of our time with John and Family.

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