Saturday, October 24, 2015

This Is a Wrap

The weather this year was unbelievable.  We did not have one drop of rain.  Every day was sunny or partly sunny with temps daytime in the 70's. It got cooler at night which makes for good sleeping.  The last weekend, the temps were colder during the day (low 60's) and near freezing at night.  We did use our furnace to take the chill out of the air a couple of nights.

Because it was so dry and very, very dusty, Carol washed the car twice.

I took this picture toward the play area on the first day.  The trees have barely changed.

This picture was taken the last day we were there.  

We always carve pumpkins when the boys camp with us.  Keegan wanted a tiny pumpkin and he was happy with the carving result

It was a great two weeks.

The Bridges

There are 32 covered bridges on which the Festival focuses.  We have seen or driven through most of them over the past few years.  We did find one we had never seen before.  Here are a few pictures.

The small creek this bridge was erected to cross.

This and That

This year the Cubs played the Mets for a chance to play in the World Series.  Go Cubbies!
Unfortunately, they lost so it will be the Mets playing the Royals for the championship.
When the Cardinals played the Cubs prior to the Mets/Cubs series, some of the campers had big, screen tvs on the outside of their campers and other campers would bring lawn chairs and gather around to watch the games.

We did discover that "Three Fingered Brown" was born in Nyesville, Indiana just up the road from Turkeu Run.  This monument was erected to honor him.  He is the only man from Indiana in the Baseball Hall of Fame.  His stats were listed on the monument.  When he played for the Cubs, his contract was for $7000 a year.  How times have changed!
If this old house could talk, it would have a story to tell.

The people who live in this house love to decorate for Halloween.  This was only a small part of their decorations.

The last weekend we were at Turkey Run, the lows were 33 and 34.  This is frost on our car.

This is Gobbler's Knob.  It is the best spot to get ice cream.  During the Festival parking is hard to find.  The road to Turkey Run is just north of  Gobbler's Knob so we like to stop here going or coming from the park.

Autumn's Glory

One of the best things about our camping trip is nature's beauty that we get to enjoy.  We love to drive the country roads.  The fall colors didn't seem as vibrant this year; maybe, because it has been so dry.

The Amish in Parke County

One  of the things we enjoy when we visit here is seeing the Amish community.  Having their pictures taken is frowned upon so their pictures are taken from a distance.
This is a farmer working his field with a team of four horses in the lead and three behind.

This little (probably 10 or 12) was taking flowers and produce to the market.

These buggies are tied at an auction house.
During the Covered Bridge Festival the Amish set up roadside shops to sell their homemade baked goods.  We always stop here for bread and whoppie pies.  Delicious!

Nearly every day we see a clothes line filled with fresh laundry.

Hiking the Trails

Keegan loves to climb the big rocks and there are no shortages of big rocks at Turkey Run.

Is this between a rock and a hard place?

The guys take a rest in a small cave.  Indians, bears, or turkeys may have rested there many years ago.

Carol climbs one of two ladders on the trail.  Does he look nervous?  

Carol gathers his courage for the second ladders while the boys quickly scramble to the top.

The end of the trail.  This trail is 1.7 miles and described as "very rugged."  Carol and I managed to climb the ladders along with several sets of stairs.

Here Come the Cowboys

On Sunday Carol and Hunter took a trail ride offered at Turkey Run.  They had a blast.  Carol and his horse "Dusty" were in the lead and Hunter and his horse "Tar Baby" next and  10-15 other riders followed.  It was a four mile, 45 minute ride.  They also offered pony rides for Keegan's age but he would have none of it.  Maybe next year he will be more adventurous.
Getting saddled up.

Hunter was excited to begin the ride.

Papaw sitting pretty.

Hunter and Tar Baby.
Carol on his horse Dusty.

Everyone is ready.  Giddy Up!

Hobson's Farm 2015

On Saturday of the weekend the boys are here, we always visit Hobson's Farm.  It is always fun for the boys and pawpa and I enjoy it too.
The big tire mountain is fun to climb.

Keegan loves to dig and play in the "corn box."

The boys are tiny in this big chair.

After an afternoon at the farm, Keegan was tuckered out.

Their true personalities appear at them farm.

Papaw and Keegan punch the card for one of ten numbers to be found in the corn maze.  

Friday, October 9, 2015

Decatur Trip

Today we are in Decatur to pick up the boys and a few items we forgot (I hate getting older!).  These items weren't critical but since we were here, we decided to stop by home and get them.  Hunter gets out of school at 11:30 and Keegan gets out at 12:30 so we will get them, eat a quick lunch and then return to camp.  Jason called this morning to say the boys were very excited.  It is cooler today but that is okay.  This will be the last post until next internet in this area of Indiana.

On the way back from Indy we drove through Danville, IN.  This car caught my attention.  It is a car that looks like the one the Sherriff Taylor and Barney Fife drove in Mayberry.  It is sitting in front of the Mayberry Cafe.  I'll bet they serve good home cooked food.

Yesterday we stayed at the camp.  Sandy enjoyed laying in the shade under our picnic table.  So far the weather had been PURFECT.

I love this old iron bridge over the Wabash River.  The little Indiana town of Montezuma sits on its banks.

That is all for today.  We are on the interstate heading east and will probably lose Internet service soon

One more thing...GO CUBS!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Turkey Run - 2015

We arrived at site 257 around 2:30 on Monday, October 5.  It was a nice day to travel and set up.  We took our time to set up.  This site is the one we have been wanting for two or three years.  We had to reserve for a Monday to get it but so far we really like it.  We are very close to water and the restroom and can see the play area and canyon that the boys play in from our dining room window.  The nights have been cool but in the 70's during the day.  The leaves haven't changed much.  Each morning has been very foggy but usually by 10:00 the fog has lifted.  We have taken several long walks in the campground which Sandy likes.

Today, Wednesday, we went into Indy which accounts for Internet service.  We went to Camping World to shop and look.  The last two years our visit has included looking at motorhomes.  I think we may be getting closer to the big decision of whether to go from a pull trailer to a motorhome.  We can't afford a new one so we look at used ones.  We found one that we could be interested in but it is older with more mileage than we thought we wanted.  It is a Winnabago with many, many upgrades (window covers, inside day/night shades, washer/dryer, basement air conditioner).   It was owned by a retired Navy man who kept meticulous service records so we know the complete history of the motorhome.  We decided to go back to camp and discuss the pros and cons.  Right now I don't know what decision we will make. In the meantime, here are a few pictures of the trip so far.
Sandy waiting patiently for the trip to begin.  This will be the first time she had riden in our new car.

From this picture you can see how close we are to the play area and the canyon beyond.  You can also see that the leaves haven't changed much.

A foggy picture of the site in the morning.

Tomorrow we plan to relax around the site.  Friday we drive back to Decatur to pick up Hunter and Keegan for the weekend.  Next week we will be at the Covered Bridge Festival.  I hope the weather continues to be as good.