Monday, November 24, 2014

It's a Wrap!

As I am writing this, we have been home several days.  The camper needed to be cleaned and put to bed for the season.  Now that that is done, I wanted to write a few comments on this trip.  This was the wettest two weeks we have ever had while camping in Turkey Run in October.  Fortunately, it rained the hardest when we were sleeping.  We did have a lot of overcast days, but we were able to do the things we had planned.  It was cool but, again, that makes for good camping weather (in my opinion!).  I am sure it must have affected the vendors at the Festival.  When at Mansfield, we always camp in Jim's parking.  It was very muddy and the workers had to push out several cars that were stuck in the muddy field.

It is amazing how spotty phone service is in this area.  There is no cell phone service in Bridgeton.  Carol took some things to the car and we planned to contact each other by cell phone to reconnect.  Bad idea!  No cell phone service!  Fortunately, we ran into each other.

Every year it is interesting to see what the "hot item" the vendors are selling.  This year it was bamboo pillows.  People were buying them like crazy.   I don't know how much they were but a lot of people thought the price was a bargain from the number I saw being carried out of the festival.  Another item I saw was sky lanterns.  I am not sure how the lanterns are lit and propelled but I saw some being sent skyward over the campground (on a rare clear night) and it was a beautiful sight.  I also found some packets of chemicals?? That makes the flames of a campfire change colors.  On our last night we enjoyed a campfire and added the packet to the fire.  It was beautiful watching the flames turn bright blue and green.
A man enjoying the fire before the chemical packet.

Once the packet was added, the flames turned blue and green.  We will have to buy more of this stuff next year.

This walking stick investigated Carol's fire poker.   This trip we saw several wild turkeys and some deer.  Even though we are sure there are deer in the area, we have never seen any.

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