Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Getting to Know Lewis and Clark

This morning we decided to drive back to Nebraska City to visit the Lewis and Clark Interpretive Trail and Visitor's Center.  Besides watching a 30-minute video, we saw other items which helped us understand what Lewis and Clark did in 1803-1806 to open up the Louisiana Purchase.  Their mission was to follow the Missouri River to the Pacific Ocean and journal what they saw and experienced.  Besides the crew (mostly soldiers) there was also a Newfoundland dog.

The Visitor's Center.  There are some walking trails but it is very blustery and cold so the trails will have to wait for another visit

A view of the Missouri River from the Center.

Back in Lincoln we drove by the football stadium of the Nebraska Cornhuskers.  Sports is a very, very big deal in Nebraska.  A man we were talking to about it said it is because Nebraska doesn't have a pro team to cheer on so all their support goes to their college teams.  They have a brand new basketball arena in which to play the Illini.

John and family made it here about 4:30.  Their room is just down the hall.  I visited with John and the kids while Carol and Linda went to the Walmart and picked up McDonalds for supper.  After visiting awhile, we went back to our room and fought to stay awake.  Even though it is only 9:00, we are giving in to the desire to sleep.  Good night!!

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