Saturday, November 29, 2014

All about Lincoln (Nebraska, that is)

After breakfast at the motel, Carol and I found a couple of antique malls in which to shop.  They were both located downtown so we also got a closer look at the Capitol building.
Lincoln is a neat city.  There seems to be a large population of Vietnamese because we saw several Vietnamese shops and restaurants.

We spent a couple of hours with John and family at the children's museum.  We had trouble finding a parking spot.  The parking meters take only debit or credit cards so we found a parking garage which still takes good old cash! It was very nice.  The kids had a lot of fun and grandpa and grandma had fun watching them.

This picture was taken at the very end and Aidan was in no mood for a picture.  He was tired and hungry but wasn't ready to leave.

One area of the museum was set up like with a stage and costumes.  The kids really enjoyed dressing up and having a pretend show.

The girls were able to measure themselves.  
After we returned to the motel, we rested and then gathered in John's room for Chinese take-in followed by a gab session about our next trip together.  All 10 of us will be going to Disney World to celebrate Carol and my 50th wedding anniversary.
It was a busy day.  Carol managed to grab a few winks between activities.

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