Monday, October 29, 2012

Turkey Run - The Final Episode

We got back to Decatur on Wednesday but family matters keep me busy until today.  John, Linda, Katie and Aidan came to town on Thursday.  I watched Keegan Thursday morning and Saturday and Sunday.  Now I am home and want to get our travels wrapped up.

Monday after the festival closed, we drove around to see some of the covered bridges.  Some of them we had seen before and some were new.  It was a rainy day so the pictures reflect the dreariness of the day.  Although we have been on many of the country roads in Parke County, we did drive on some new ones.  As always, at this time of year, a beautiful view is around every corner.

Most of the campers at Turkey Run left on Sunday.  Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday nights there were only approximately 35 campers on 270 sites.  Needless to say, it was quiet.  The weekend before Halloween, the park has a big emphasis on Halloween-type activities so a lot of campers with kids come in that weekend and many decorate.  I have included a picture of two of some of the sites.  One year, someone brought an inflatable Frankinstein.

On Tuesday before we left on Wednesday, it began raining before we got up and rained until 3:00 that afternoon.  We stayed in the camper, read and watched videos.  We didn't mind because it was only one day and our last full day.  We were thankful we were in a trailer.  It is no fun to camp in the rain in a tent...believe me, we know from many years of tent camping.

Carol and Sandy walk out of a covered bridge into the light of a golden world.
A witch visits a campsite.

Halloween at Turkey Run State Park

 Graveyard in the park.
We are home now for awhile.  Not sure when we will hook up that camper and take another trip.  Fortunately, our trips are still in our memories on visually on this blog.

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