Monday, October 1, 2012

Day 16 - On the Road Again

After six days of being in the same spot, it was hard to get up and begin the packing up procedures.  We did pretty well because we were on the road by 8:30 am.  We decided to take US 191 north to
I-90 at Bozeman.  We had never been on 191 and really enjoyed the drive.  The road went through what I would call the Gallatin River Canyon.  The road followed the Gallatin River through high stone walls.  Sometimes there would be a forrest of pine trees mixed with yellow leaved trees and other times it would just be stone walls.
At the beginning of the canyon, we saw a road sign that said the highway department was in the process of making the road less accident-prone.  In Montana, the state puts white crosses along the road where a fatality has occurred.  There are no names on the crosses and The American Legion maintains them.  As we traveled through the canyon, we saw between 30 to 40 crosses on a 21 mile stretch of road.  We could see why so many deaths could occur because if you were to go off the road, there would be no place to go except into the river or into the canyon wall.
As we traveled on I-90, the terrain began to change from what we had gotten accustomed to.  We got into the low golden grasses and scrub-covered hills.  It is pretty, but not as jaw-dropping as the high mountains and rock canyons.  We stopped for gas at a truck plaza in Hardin, Montana.  If we hadn't needed gas, we would have left before getting gas.  We couldn't get the pump to work and finally someone had to  out to get it going for us.  We hadn't eaten and wanted to get something to eat but the store was small, crowded, and uninviting.  Carol has a small book he got when he was driving a semi which lists most of the truckstops on the interstates and other major highways.  We use it to find places we can get gas with some ease.  I drew a line through that one so we never make that mistake again.
We stopped early (3:30 pm) at a KOA near Sheridan,  Wyoming.  It is your typical KOA by the interstate.  We can actually see the cars/trucks on the interstate from our site.  It is much warmer here so I will be taking the electric blanket off the bed.  It is cool but not the cold we have been used to.  We won't be in too big of a hurry tomorrow morning because we think it is only 3-4 hours to the Mt. Rushmore area.
There aren't many pictures to post today.  There is one of the campsite in which we spent the last week, some from the town, one from the canyon, and from the interstate.
Our campsite at Grizzley RV Park

Hibernation Station Motel outside our campsite.

It was sad to take a picture of this sign the last time we left the park for this trip.

Gallatin Valley

One of the many interesting rooftops at Hibernation Station
I-80 east somewhere in Montana.

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