Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Covered Bridge Festival 2012

Ah....Internet service! We are on the road back to Decatur because Carol has a toothache that won't go away so we called our dentist, Kevin Artime, and he is working Carol in his afternoon.   It is suppose to storm this afternoon so being on the road to Decatur is okay.  

We have had great weather this week. We love to camp with temperatures during the day in the 70's and 50's at night.  We leave for the festival around 9:00am and get back to camp by 2:00 or 3:00.   Sandy is happy to see us so we take her for a long walk and then relax the rest of the evening.  The sites fill up with different campers so we like watching the steady traffic of campers moving in and out of the campground.  Several decorate their sites for Halloween, some very elaborately. This is the seventh year we have come to Turkey Run for the festival and we see some of the same campers each year.  This may sound very boring to some of you but Carol and I enjoy it so I'm sure we will be back next year.

I'm posting two pictures that sum up the festival. The first is a picture of the line of cars coming into Rockville from the west.  This is the first stoplight in Rockville and traffic (especially the weekends) is bumper to bumper all four directions.  The second picture is a street in Mansfield.  It is bumper to bumper people. They are walking, riding senior mobiles, pushing baby strollers, leading dogs, eating, buying, and looking for the best bargains.  Just watching people is fun.
Street of cars headed into Rockville.

Street of people hunting for bargains and food in Mansville. 
One of the many beautiful roads in Indiana.

A lone tree managed to reach the sun from a canyon in Turkey Run State Park.

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous pictures. Makes me think of Ebeth's and I's couple trips over that way when I had a Ford 4x4 . . . pre-kids! We never went at Festival time so I am enjoying your updates here!
