Tuesday, October 15, 2024

More Turkey Run

This blog will be a summary of the last six days.  It has been busy with something different every day.  Thursday, we drove around Rockville to see if progress had been made for the big opening of the Covered Bridge Festival.  It looked like all was ready.  Friday, we drove to Danville, Illinois to visit with Jean, Carol's sister.  We always take her out to lunch and were happy that her son Miles and two of his three grandsons could join us.  We had a nice time eating together and talking.  We had seen Miles and Jean a couple of months ago at Carol's brother Don's home.  At that time, Don was waiting for his surgery.  Now he has passed and our hearts are sad.  Now at 85 Jean is the oldest of the four remaining siblings and Carol is the oldest brother.  Life has a way of changing in an instant.  After lunch we went back to Jean's room and talked some more.  Unfortunately, neither Carol or I brought our phones into her room so I do not have pictures to share.

We left her place around two o'clock and drove to Warrensburg to pick up Keegan and His friend Malaki so they could spend the weekend with us at Turkey Run.  Back to camp around 8:00 p.m.  We played a few games of Old Maid before hitting the sack.

Saturday, we took the boys to Bridgeton.  In Rockville we saw this gray carriage pulled by a gray horse.  I had never seen a gray rig and horse, only black ones.  I don't know if this is something or someone special.

We saw this Trump inflatable.  Of course, there were also lots of Trump flags, shirts, hats, etc.  

We spent nearly three hours at Bridgeton and left about 2:00 p.m.  The line of cars headed into Bridgeton was between 2-3 miles long.  We had never seen such a long line of cars into any of the festival towns.

West central Indiana is just as dry as Central Illinois.  Driving on rock roads makes keeping Carol's car clean an impossibility.

Some of the trees are beginning to turn to fall colors.

Keegan took this picture of the water flowing under the Bridgeton Covered Bridge.  After we left the Festival we went back to camp and spent the rest of the day relaxing and playing cards.  We had a fire that evening so we could have s'mores.

Sunday, we drove to Danville, Indiana to The Mayberry Cafe.  It is traditional that we eat a meal at the cafe.  The guys are posing at Sherriff Taylor's patrol car.

From Danville we drove to Mansfield and spent an hour shopping at the flea market on this side of the river.  We drove back to camp but were unable to have a fire because of the high winds, dry humidity, and general dry conditions.

Monday, we spent the morning hiking some of the canyons in the park.  The boys loved exploring the trails.  The temperatures were only near 60 but the sun was shining so it was a good day to hike.

There are 70 steps from the top to the river and the swinging bridge that crosses Sugar Creek.
  At first Carol said he might not go into the canyon because of the steps but he managed to take them slow and easy and make it to the bottom and later back to the top.  Of course, the boys had no problem with the steps.

The swinging bridge that has to be crossed because all the trails begin on the other side of the bridge

Sugar Creek is very low.  They need some rain here.

Keegan and Malaki on the bridge.

This and several pictures were taken in one of the canyons.

We let Keegan and Malaki hike farther into the canyon and when they returned, they took a rest.

The elder hikers.

To occupy time while the boys hike, we took this selfie.  I don't think it is too bad.

When we got back to camp, we had a fire so we could roast hot dogs and make one final batch of s'mores.  The wind had died down some but it was still windy so we kept track of the fire.  We met Jason at the Burger King in Tuscola to exchange the boys.  I hope they had a good time camping with us.  I took this picture of a silo as we were driving some of the back roads.  In this part of Indiana, a lot of the farms have silos instead of grain bins like farmers in Illinois.

As we were headed east on Route 36 we could see the moon trying to shine through the heavy cloud cover.

This was the view to the south of US 36.  We could see there was a beautiful sunset in the west so when we got to Rockville, we turned around and drove west so we could get some photos of the sunset.

Our reward for turning around and driving west.

This picture and the one below was taken by Keegan at Warrensburg which is about 120 miles west of Rockville....both are of the same sunset and taken
+approximately the same time.

We got back to camp around 8:00 p.m. and rested the rest of the evening.  We put an extra blanket on the bed because the weatherman has issued a frost adversary for the area and an extra blanket would feel good.

Today (Tuesday), we drove back to Bridgeton to finish seeing areas we missed on Saturday.  The wind was blowing and it was cloudy so we called it a day about 1:00 p.m. and came back to camp.  We tried to sit outside but the wind and cool temperatures changed our plans.  Instead, we went inside and napped and read.  We have two small space heaters which keeps the inside of the motorhome toasty warm.  Still no rain so we aren't complaining about wind and cooler temperatures.

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