Wednesday, October 4, 2017


We took our time packing up.  Thankfully, it wasn't raining.   The day was overcast but no rain.  

When we crossed the Mississippi River, we knew that our trip was nearly over.

Home Sweet Home
We drove 300 miles today only stopping for gas and at a rest area one time. 
We drove the motorhome 5,918 miles and the car 2,809 miles in the six weeks.  It was a great trip.  We saw so much beautiful scenery from the mountains, to the tall redwood trees, to the ocean, to the desert, to the plains.   If I could choose my favorite place that we visited, I would not be able to do it.  We met so many neat people and dogs.  We renewed old friendships.  We visited family.   Every trip we take, we try to buy something for the motorhome as a souvenir of the trip.  This year we brought a small sign that says "Living the Dream."  That, in three words, sums up what this trip was for us.  We were living the dream of traveling Carol and I have had for many years.  Next year we want to take six weeks and travel the southwest.   If good health allows, we will continue to "live the dream."

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