Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Another Rainy Day on the Road

The night was filled with thunder, lightening, and rain, but what woke me up was the sound of Carol swatting flies.  It seems that flies, like mice, can find even the smallest opening to get into your house.  Their was a young couple from Elgin, Illinois camped in a tent across the road.  Last night, they were in their car to avoid the flies.  Sometime before we got up (6:30 a.m.) they packed up and left.  I don't know if it was the rain or the flies!

We took our time packing up because we only had 300 miles before our next stop.  It is a good thing we had time because when we put the big slide in, it wouldn't move.  Thankfully, that had happened last year and Carol had been able to fix it.  It requires a new bolt to hold together two tubes that rotate allowing the slide to move in or out.  Finally, we got on the road about 9:15. 

The rains began again.  It rained most of the day, sometimes harder than other times.    We stopped for gas at Gretna, just outside Omaha.  Every time we drive through Omaha, it has changed.  We crossed the Missouri River into Iowa.  I think Iowa is so pretty.  I love to see the rolling hills of corn.

As we were driving east, we could see the darker clouds give way to a lighter sky.  

We have not watched much TV or listened to radio other than XM so we don't know what is happening in this country or the world.  I did see something on the news feed of my phone about the shooter in Las Vegas.  We assume that the flags flying at half mast are about that event.  Sometimes it is good  to be unaware of  what is going on in the world.

We are camped at Newton, Iowa KOA.  It is a nice campground.  We got in about 3:30 so I decided to do laundry.  That is one less thing I will have to do when we get home tomorrow.  We got out the lawn chairs to relax.  It is much warmer here.  We don't need jackets or sweatshirts.  

The only negative to this campground is its location so near to I-80.  I took this picture from our site.  I did use my long lens but it is close. 

It began raining, of course, so we had to turn on the air conditioner because of the humidity.  A reminder that we are back in the Midwest and humidity.  Tomorrow is the last day of our trip.  We are only 300 miles from home so we won't be in a hurry to pack up. 

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