Thursday, August 24, 2017

The Adventure Begins

We spent yesterday packing and hooking up the car so we could leave early this morning.  We accomplished that because we pulled out of the driveway at 6:45 a.m.   We took 51 north to I-74 to I-80 and finally I-35 to Albert Lea, Minnesota.  It was a great day to drive, mostly thin clouds enough to not be bothered with the sun in our eyes.  According to MapQuest it was a 440 mile trip but somehow we managed to need 500 miles to get here.  The traffic was heavy on I-80 but thinned out on I-35.  We pulled in the KOA at 5:30 making it an 11-hour day.

This was the sight from the front window all day.  I took this picture in Illinois but it could have been taken in Iowa.  

We finally made it to Minnesota about 5:00 p.m.

We camped at this same KOA last year in this same spot.  

Last year the farmer planted corn.  This year it is soy beans.  He believes in crop rotation.

After eating supper, we took Sandy for a walk.  This is another view from the campground.

The KOA has a fenced dog-park area.  We were able to take her off  the leash and let her enjoy some freedom, the first of the day.  She is a good traveler, spending most of her time in one of the recliners sleeping.

The day was uneventful.  We spent time looking for a gas station we could pull the motorhome and car into.  We exited two times and the stations were undesirable.  Finally, we noticed a billboard for a Phillips 66 station and there were the letters "RV" in a circle in the corner of the sign.  We pulled off and the station had the needed room to maneuver our motorhome and car.   After that, we noticed other signs that had the "RV" designation.  I wish all gas stations on the interstate would indicate if they had space for a large RV.

Even though Iowa is basically an agricultural state, I do see beauty in the rolling hills covered with tall, green corn or soybeans.  From the first rest stop, we learned that Herbert Hoover was born in West Branch, Iowa.  At the age of 9 he became an orphan and at the age of 54 he was president of the United States.  His presidential library and grave site is in West Branch.  It might be interesting to learn more about him.  Also I saw on the map that the "Little Brown Church" from the song "Little Brown Church in the Vale" is located in Iowa   Knowing that song really dates me!  Also in Iowa is a Laura Inglas Wilder site, Amana Colonies, and Effigy Mounds National Monument.  The Effigy Mounds National Monument is featured on a recent quarter.  Who knew Iowa had a national monument?  All these things might warrant a return visit.

According to MapQuest, it is 460 miles to our next stop near Badlands National Park.  Hopefully, that mileage doesn't inflate like it did today.  When we get there, we will spend four nights and will unhook the car for daily sightseeing.  We have had the windows open and the night air is cool.  Should be good sleeping.

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