Monday, June 5, 2017

The Big Apple in One Day

We got up at 4:30 this morning to make the two hour drive to Liberty State Park, New Jersey.  Traffic wasn't too bad until we got closer to the city but Carol handled it just fine. It didn't rain, which we were very glad of.  It kept the temperatures down and very comfortable.  I am posting only a few pictures tonight and will post more tomorrow with more detail of the entire day.
Even through the clouds, the skyline is pretty.  The tallest building the The Freedom Tower.

A piece of the beam from one of the World Trade Center towers.

This is an old railroad station that has partially been restored.  It is used as an information center by the National Park Service.

Always have to get a picture to show where we have been.

First view of Lady Liberty taken from the ferry.

Taken from the Statue of Liberty toward lower Manhattan and Battery Park.

Freedom Tower - tallest building in the U.S. and third tallest in the world.

The memorial showing the footprint of the south tower.  Below is the north tower footprint. The names of all who died in each building is etched on the wall surrounding the water cascade.

A beam from the World Trade Center that was used to post pictures and comments while the rubble was being cleared.

The Freedom  Tower

Final view of the skyline and Freedom Tower taken as we were taking the ferry back to New Jersey.  

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