Sunday, June 4, 2017

Knocking on the Door of the Big Apple

We left camp at our usual 8:30 heading east for Allentown PA and a KOA there.  We had to take I-70 Pennsylvania Turnpike.  It was busy despite the fact that it was Sunday.  We stopped for lunch at one of the turnpike turnouts.  The food court contained a Roy Rogers so that is what we all ate.  The scenery continued to be scenic.  It is low mountains, valleys, and all covered with trees.  It cost of $40 to drive the 200 miles of the turnpike we were on.  We had to drive through four tunnels.

At this point we went from one tunnel to another.

typical scenery from the turnpike.

 What picture is missing from this group of pictures???A picture of Hunter photo bombing me!

  We spent most of the day in the motorhome and didn't take many pictures so he didn't get a chance to photo bomb me.  It started raining at 2:00 p.m. and has rained ever since.  Hopefully, it doesn't rain tomorrow; but, even if it does, we will head for New York City.  After we got set up at camp, we unloaded the car and headed out to find a gas station we could get the motorhome and toad into for gas.  We pulled off the interstate in two different places and couldn't get into the station.  We drove around the town checking out filling stations.  We didn't find one that we think would accommodate both the motorhome and toad so Tuesday morning we will leave the car at the camp and drive the motorhome to a station that will accommodate it.  Then we will go back to camp and hook the car up.  It is the best plan we could come up with.  The bottom line is that we will be able to fill up the motorhome. Sometimes, you just have to go with Plan B!
It is 88 miles to Liberty State Park, New Jersey.  Once there we will take a ferry to Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty.  Then we will get on another ferry to the 911 Memorial and Museum and Freedom Tower.  A final ferry ride will take us back to Liberty State Park.  It will be late when we get back in so I may not be able to blog.  I will catch up on Tuesday.

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