Friday, October 14, 2016

Turkey Run 2016

We left Decatur for Turkey Run around 11:00.  I drove the car and followed Carol.  We didn't want to use the dollie and it is only 2 hours.  We love the drive on East 36 to Rockville.  We checked into our spot at 2:00.  The motorhome is much easier to set up and so we were relaxing and enjoying the views from the camper.  The leaves haven't very much.  There are some trees that are beautiful but most are still green.   The weather forecast for Wednesday evening was rain and it was correct.  By dark it ha begun to rain so we stayed inside and watched a of Carol's favorites:  The Outlaw Josie Wales.  Jason installed a sound bar so  we were able to enjoy hearing without straining.
About 10:00 p.m. we received a phone call from Peggy with the sad news that Carol's brother Darrell has been found dead in his home.  It was unexpected even though he has not been in good health for a while.  Evidently the person who checks on him had found him.  His only daughter lives in North Carolina and his Ex-wife was visiting family in the Philippines so arrangements had not been made.  Exactly two month ago my brother had died but his had been expected.  Needless to say we had a sleepless night.  Later on Thursday, we heard that he would be cremated and interned at Camp Butler National Cemetery in Springfield.  No date at this time.   Carol and I have been to Camp Butler and it is a beautiful place, very peaceful and serene.

There is no internet connection in Turkey Run but it is Friday and we are on our way to Decatur to pick up Keegan and Hunter so they can camp with us this weekend.  The weather is supposed to be beautiful and we will have fun doing our usual things like the corn maze, hay ride and hiking.    My right knee has been giving me fits so I may not hike but the boys will certainly play in the canyon by our campsite.

Looking south from the camper.  One lone tree has some color.  Hopefully by the end of this two weeks, the view will be more colorful.
Site 257 - our favorite!

The view looking north from our site.  Last night this playground was full of kids of all ages.  The canyon the boys play in is in the treeline to the right.  The trees have hardly changed.

I have been having trouble with the internet on this so I having trouble with the internet so I will close.  Don't know when I will be able to post again.

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