Monday, October 31, 2016

Turkey Run 2016 - Wrap Up

Our Turkey Run trip is over but I wanted to get some memories down and pictures posted.  It was a great trip in our motorhome.  We were in our favorite spot, #257,  It's funny how you get to recognize some families who like us come here every year.  For the most part they, too, camp in the same spot.  The weather was great.  Some days it was cool and we wore sweatshirts and turned the heat on in the evening and early morning.  Other days it was warmer but not warm enough to turn on the air conditioner.  Two days it rained but rain didn't dampen our enjoyment.  We figured that this is the ninth year we have come to Turkey Run and stayed for two weeks.  We are already talking about next year.  The dates will be after Columbus Day again so on April 13, I will get on the computer to make our reservations.  It is six months out but in order to get the spot we want, it is necessary.

One rainy day we camp upon this accident in Rockville.  I don't know how fast either was going but the result was this vehicle flipped over,

Rainy days aren't good for business in Bridgeton.  Some vendors stayed closed but a few remained open for those few buyers who were brave enough to get out in the rain.

Normally this street would be packed with so many people that a vehicle who have to inch down the street.

A sliver of blue sky peaking through the dark clouds.

This tree stands at the end of the street across from our campsite.  The tops were getting pretty.

We came upon this Amish buggy as we were driving the backroads.  We didn't see as many this year.

A field of sunflowers.

This was a road that we had never driven on.  The builders of the road decided to leave the tree in the middle and have the lanes go around the tree.  We had never seen this before but was glad the road builders had the foresight to save the tree.

This is one of the main streets of Mansfield.  Three days this week, we had walked along this street with hundreds of other people shopping and eating.  Again, this was a road we had never been on and were surprised to see that it went through downtown Mansfield.  This was the day after the festival closed and the vendors were packing up their wares.

We enjoy driving the backroads of Parke County.  We have driven several of the roads but this year we did find a few that we had never been on.  

The farmers seemed to be behind in their harvesting.  This bean field looked ready.

The courthouse in Rockville.  For 10 days in October the courthouse is surrounded with huge tents and food vendors.  We did notice that especially Mansfield, the vendors were less.  

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