Saturday, August 3, 2013

The Final Day

We got up this morning and began packing up before breakfast with John and family at McDonalds in Lawrenceville.  Back at camp we finished the final pack-up, hook-up and clean-out before heading for Decatur.  We got back about 2:00 and decided to unpack before taking Hunter home.  He was anxious to see mom, dad, and Keegan and we reunited them about 5:30.

It was a fun week.  The weather was perfect considering it was the last week of July.  We enjoyed the time with Hunter.  It was wonderful having so much time with John, Linda, Katie, and Aidan.  Add camping in God's beautiful world and it made for a wonderful time.  I am posting a couple of picture just so they are a part of the journal.

Hunter travels so well...just have a DVD player and a Shawn the Sheep video
Aidan, Katie and Hunter check out a canon at the George Rogers Clark National Monument.
Hunter would make his ancestors proud with the way he loves to chop wood.

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