Saturday, March 2, 2013

Following the Geese North

Bill and Ericka Somers...Peggy and Don Mulvany
We are so glad we got to camp with you all!

We were up by 6:30 to pack up and hook up.  As Ericka and I were watching the guys hook up the camper, Ericka saw a flock of geese heading north.  I hope that means that spring is on its way.  It was 38 degrees and we didn't expect it to get much warmer as we drove north.  The high for us was 41 degrees. We stopped at a truck stop in Pickens, Mississippi for gas and it was spitting snow.  Fortunately, it didn't last.   Today we just drove east to Hammond, Louisiana and then that long I-55 north  through Mississippi.  When we reach this point of a long trip, we are anxious to get miles behind us and get home.  Notice I didn't say we are happy to get home; only that we are resigned to the fact that we are going home.  We do love to travel and now that we are retired, we hope to do more.

We made it to West Memphis  at 4:00 and checked into the KOA.  The wind was blowing and it was COLD!  It was spitting snow here, too.  We didn't unhook to make it easier to get on the road tomorrow.  The first thing we did upon entering the camper was turn on the furnace.  It was the first time this trip that we used the furnace. According to The Weather Channel the temperature is 33 but the chill is 22.  This calls for the furnace!    We are settled in for the evening.  Carol called his brother Darrell to see if he wanted to come out to the camper.  He has pleurisy and doesn't feel good so he is staying home.   We will relax for the rest of the evening.

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