Sunday, March 3, 2013


Our driveway had remnants of the snow that came while we were in a much warmer place.  Notice there are no car tracks, only dog tracks.  Carol was getting the camper ready for the back-in.
Here is our camper back into its home spot in our driveway.   We were glad to be gone when it snowed.

We left Memphis at 7:15 am.  We decided to take I-55 all the way to Springfield and then I-72 to Decatur.    We were home at 3:00 pm.  it was 856 miles to go that way compared to 812 going I-57 to I-55 but it was interstate all the way.  We spent a couple of hours unloading and are relaxing right now so I am not going to write much tonight.  I hope to wrap up our trip and post a few more notes tomorrow.

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