Monday, August 29, 2016

Sunday, August 14

The last day of a trip is always sad.  No one wants to see it end but end it must.  We ate breakfast, packed up, and headed for the dump station.  Packing up a motorhome is so much easier than a trailer, pop-up or tents.  At this age we need easy!   We left the campground around 11:00 and arrived home at 2:00 p.m.  Kara had to work this weekend, so Jason came over to pick up the boys.  I think they had fun; at least, they said they did and wanted to know when we could go camping again.  It was a good weekend but one that is bittersweet for me because I will always remember it as the trip I lost my brother Larry.  I am now the matriarch of Bill and Rose Freeman's family.  That makes me feel OLD!

We have been out three weekends camping in the motorhome, trying to work out all the bugs,  The next time we head out, it will be for three weeks.  We are looking forward to that trip and many more.

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