Friday, October 10, 2014

On the Road

Yesterday we got back to camp at 4:00, ate supper and relaxed.  Keegan and I went to the "park" as Keegan calls the playground, played with Legos, cars, and a card memory game before we settled in to watch a DVD.  It was too damp to have a fire so no s'mores last night.  This morning it is still cool and damp but we are hoping it won't rain so we can take a hayride this evening and have a fire and s'mores.  We carved Keegan's pumpkin and took him to a covered bridge before we got on the road again to Decatur to pick up Hunter.  We will have both boys tonight and tomorrow.
Papaw and Keegan

Keegan with the pumpkin we carved.

Cox ford covered bridge.  The spots on the picture are raindrops.

Papaw, Keegan, and Sandy before walking across the bridge.

Keegan on the bridge.

The view from the bridge.

The road to the bridge.

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