Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Looking for Mr. Lincoln

Today we took Hunter on a road trip to Springfield.  Carol and I felt he was old enough to visit some of the Lincoln sites and begin to understand who Lincoln was and how Illinois played a part in the life of Abraham Lincoln.  Our first stop was only home Lincoln owned.  This home played an important part in Lincoln's life.  Three of his four children were born in this house; one died in it.  His political quest began here,  he heard that he was the Republican nominee for president, and that he had won the presidency in this house.  After lunch we stopped by the cemetery Lincoln, Mary, and three of their four sons are buried.  We also walked down to the first vault in which Lincoln was placed until the beautiful granite tomb was completed in 1871.
The dome of the capitol building.  Hopefully, we can make a tour on another day.

This was a campaign wagon used in a parade in Lincoln's day.  This is old meets new because this lady was sending a picture of this wagon to a friend on her phone.

Lunch time.

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