Sunday, June 14, 2015


We were up early but on the road late.  Carolyn and Alana brought Jean to the KOA so Don and Peggy could bring her back to Illinois.  We all met for breakfast at the camp at 8:00.   We tried to get as much packed up before breakfast.  After eating and saying our goodbyes, we finished packing up and hit the road at 9:45.  We said goodbye to the KOA.  It is a good place to stay.  Most sites are level and under tall trees.  Breakfast is served everyday at a reasonable cost so we ate there every morning. Even though it was hot, there was always a nice breeze blowing that made sitting outside enjoyable.

We didn't make any long stops like we did coming down so we made it home in six and a half hours.   It was so hot and humid when we arrived back in Decatur.  I am thankful there wasn't much to unpack because the little bit we unpacked caused us to drip with sweat.  We turned on the air conditioner  and finally cooled down.  Kara, Jason, and the boys came over and everything is back to normal.  The mini trip is over.  The sibling reunion was great.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Hello, I'm Johnny Cash

A worker at the KOA suggested that we see the newly opened Johnny Cash childhood home.  This morning we headed to Exit 41 on I-55 North to Dyess, Arkansas.  Dyess began as colony created by FDR's economic recovery plan during the Great Depression.  500 out of work Arkansas farmers received 20 acres of land, a newly built house, a barm, and chicken coop to clear the land and begin farming again.  The farmers were expected to repay the government and the Cash family moved to site 266, farmed the land, paid $2000 to own the land/house and stayed there 20 years.  Johnny lived there from age 3 to 18.  Many of the songs he wrote were about his experiences in Dyess.  His home has been restored.  We spent nearly two hours there learning about the history of the Dyess Colony and Johnny Cash.  Arkansas State University oversees the historical site and has many plans to recreate other portions of the colony.  If we are back in this area, we will return to see what new has been added.

We had our final supper with family tonight and a final card game was played to beat the one to one tie from last night.  I am sorry to say that Carol and his sister Jean lost.  Carolyn's granddaughter came tonight and took pictures.  All I have to post tonight are from my small camera.  Tomorrow we head home.
Kimberly, the photographer, with her frog camera.  She uses it to get unruly children to quiet down for good pictures.  She surely had an unruly bunch with us!

Center, from left to right.
Jean, Peggy, Don, Darrell, Carol, Mary, Carolyn

The siblings.
Jean and Carolyn 
Don, Darrell, Carol

This is the Administrative Building.  It was used to receive payment from the farmers and provide other services.

The interior was completely refinished and restored.  

Friday, June 12, 2015

Marion, Arkansas

Another good night of rest.  Camping is the magic sleeping pill!  We spent the day in Marion, Arkansas where Carol's brother Darrell lives.  Temporarily, his twin sister Carolyn is staying with Darrell to help him be able to stay in his own home.  The ladies (two sisters and two sisters-in-laws) ate lunch together at a local "hot spot."  It is named "Big John's Shake Shack."   There are a few 4-person tables but the rest are communal tables.  People sit with one another like family.  The decorations revolve around Coca Cola and Elvis Presley.   All this said, the food was great, especially the shakes.  We all had different sandwiches but everyone had a large chocolate shake.  We spent two hours rating, talking, and enjoying each other's company.
This is Big John's Shake Shack
Carolyn, Jean, Blogger, Peggy
Saluting with our great milkshakes.

After lunch we visited the Sultana Museum.  Did you know that nearly 1800 Union Soldiers were killed when the boilers of the paddle boat Sultata exploded and then sank?  We didn't either.  It was the greatest maritime disaster in United States history.  These soldiers had just been released fron Andersonville Prison and we're headed home following the war.  It happened April 25, 1865 on the Mississippi River here in Marion.

Wall panels listed those killed and we were very surprised to find the name of a Mulvany, especially one who spelled his name just like we do, without an "e" before the "y".  He was with a unit fron Indiana.  We don't know if he is related but it is an interesting idea.

We all ate supper together and after supper the siblings played cards.  This picture (from left to right) is Don, Jean, Darrell, Carol and Carolyn is standing in the background.  It brings back so many good memories of all the times when we would be visiting their parents and there would be two or three tables of  "Crazy Cards" being played.  This group played two games with each team winning one game.  The big tie-breaker will be tomorrow night.  There was a lot of good natured smack talk around the table but all was done with love.

We got back to the camp late, walked Sandy, and after this post plan to have another great night of sleep.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

We Saw a Pyramid

Slept well last night because of driving 366 miles that day and having the air conditioner on in the camper.  Up by six, took Sandy for her morning walk and at 7:00 went to the rec room for breakfast.  The food was very good.  Because we were the only ones eating that early, the cook sat in the dining room and talked with us.  She told us that her grandfather was a sharecropper on the land that surrounds the KOA.  She has spent all her life living on this land and in the area.  Her grandmother taught her to cook and she had always been a cook for someone.  Her grandmother taught her well because the food was delicious!

We went into Memphis to see the newest and largest Bass Pro Shop.  Memphis built a 30 story glass-covered pyramid as a tourist destination but things didn't work out that way and the pyramid was closed.  About 10 years ago Bass Pro purchased the pyramid and began to remodel it into a store and hotel.  They built a 25-story free-standing elevator which takes riders to an observation deck and restaurant.  The view of the city is gorgeous.  We spent 3 hours there.

At 4:00 o'clock we went with Don and Peggy to Darrell's home for supper and lively conversation.  All of us ate way too much but when you gather with family, that is to be expected.  Present for the evening were Carol and I, Don and Peggy, Carolyn and her daughter Alana, Jean, Darrell, and Darrell's ex-wife Dely and her boyfriend Bill.  You might think it odd that an ex-wife would join us but Dely is and always been family despite divorce.  She still loves Darrell and has been watching out for him especially now that his health is an issue.  It was good to see her.

The pictures I am posting is of the pyramid.  A few were taken inside and the rest from the observation deck.

This is the 25-story elevator.

The theme of the store is the swamp so the trees are covered with moss and there are huge pools of water filled with fish and alligators.

The I-40 bridge across the Mississippi from Arkansas into Tennessee

One of many barges headed up the Mississippi River.

A rare photo of the blogger taken from the observation deck.

The blogger's husband.  

The Memphis skyline.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Driving, Resting, and Eating Pie

A few weeks ago, Carol's brothers and sisters made plans to have a sibling reunion in Marion, Arkansas where one of the brothers, Darrell, lives.  Three siblings have campers and are camping at a KOA in Marion.  Darrell, Carolyn, and Jean will stay at Darrrell's in Marion.  This morning Carol and I left at 6:00 a.m.   It was an 8 hour trip.  There was lots of road construction which slowed up down. We were set up by 3:00.  It was the first hot and humid day we have had this year so after setting up and cooling off, a nap seemed appropriate.  Don, Peggy, Jean, Carolyn, and Alana got here around 6:00.  We finished the day with a slice of homemade blackberry pie, thanks to Bert Davis our neighbor.  Carol mows her lawn and receives a homemade pie as payment.  The pies are always delicious.

The plans are for us to be on our own during the day and then meet at Darrell's for supper together each day.   There is a new Bass Pro open in Memphis so I think that will be out first stop tomorrow.  I am sure we will all sleep well tonight.
The camper is packed, hooked up, and ready to pull out of the driveway.

Sandy is in her usual spot, waiting for us to leave the driveway.

Rend Lake Rest Area.  We spent nearly 30 minutes here just enjoying the lake and stretching our legs.

This rest area is in Missouri.  We ate our lunch here.  We don't normally stop to eat; instead, we grab something where we get gas and keep driving.  Today, we actually stopped and ate.  When the kids were little and traveling with us, we always ate lunch at a rest area.  I am sure they were tired of sandwiches and chips long before the trip was over.

After supper we sat outside for a little while and saw this cloud formation with the rays of the sun shooting out of it.  It was a beautiful reminder of God's creation.